
Monday, December 19, 2011

More guns less crime facts

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More guns less crime facts

You can guess, I am for gun rights. Lets look at facts here.

More guns less crime (not the book good book by the way)

More guns less crime, again. Now lets look at non-graph evidence.

Over the last quarter-century, many federal, state and local gun control laws have been eliminated or made less restrictive. The federal "assault weapon" ban, upon which gun control supporters claimed public safety hinged, expired in 2004 and the murder rate has since dropped 10 percent. The federal handgun waiting period, for years the centerpiece of gun control supporters` agenda, expired in 1998, in favor of the NRA-supported national Instant Check, and the murder rate has since dropped 21 percent.  [1]

So when these gun laws became less stringent crime plummeted. 

Kennsaw georgia:

In 1982 the city council of Kennsaw Georgia passed a law requiring every head of the household to own a gun. People predicted crime hikes and shootouts, but actually the opposite. 

After the laws passage crime dropped 89%, the whole states crime drop was 10%. Historical society of Kennsaw Robert Jones said " it did drop (the crime rate) after it was passed" "and stayed that way for 16 years"

More info at my second source

Well I have proven more guns =less crime, but how about banning guns? How about restricting them? Both of those raise crime.

During the years in which the D.C. handgun ban and trigger lock law was in effect, the Washington, D.C. murder rate averaged 73% higher than it was at the outset of the law [3]

So the trigger lock law rose crime

 the British homicide rate has averaged 52% higher since the outset of the 1968 gun control law and 15% higher since the outset of the 1997 handgun ban. [3]

What I said with concrete numbers.

So what about concealed carry laws? Do those lower crime, they pertain to more guns less crime, so does that work? Yes conceal carry laws reduce crime. 

SO look, the right to carry law passes, crime plummets. 

Since the outset of the Florida right-to-carry law, the Florida murder rate has averaged 36% lower than it was before the law took effect [3]

So the law reduced the murder rate by 36%

Since the outset of the Texas right-to-carry law, the Texas murder rate has averaged 30% lower than it was before the law took effect [3]

(I'm tired of posting graphs). But same thing it dropped the criem rate. 

This concludes this post, I hope you enjoyed it :)
 [1] [2] [3]

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