1. Fake global warming data
Funny, NASA started to get higher readings after 2000 in many of their data sets, want to know what is ironic? The ones that showed the major increases, the one our friend Al cherry picked, finds in 2000 when the increases began there where air conditioners installed..... Yes! Guess what? They radiate heat, no wonder we saw increases in a few areas! They also found urban areas had increases, well no shocker. The readings occurred and many of their new testers where placed near metal buildings and large cement areas, well dont those radiate A LOT of heat? YES! This shows that much of the data schools, and liberals spew is, well, fake. Here is a prime example:
Source: http://scottthong.wordpress.com/tag/nasa-giss-global-warming-data-base/
As we can see the metal building will show a lot of heat, hence the large increases can be linked to urban reflections of the heat waves. The data, is well, laughable.
Another prime example:
The heat increases, well no duh! Look at the asphalt and air conditioners, obviously all the extra heat will make it hotter!
The only way to get accurate data is from stations in fields with little reflective surfaces, and if we still find large heating then I will convert, but the data all from urban areas, is well, baloney.
2. Errors in Gore's analysis, aside from above.
His claims to scare people, of sea level rises to 6 feet run!! But wait, naturally seas have risen 7ft without any major damage, oh darn gore messed up again! And what? The current rises are only 15% due to melting? So wait, so the sea levels are rising naturally? Yes, you betcha!
And is the pacific drowning as he claims? But how do they drown when non biased sources (not gore) only predict if his 6ft change was true was only 15% global change, and the only real estimates show 1ft. Yes, 1ft. Further his environmental refugee argument is false, there are no evacuations.
Ocean currents stopping because of us? No, the research concludes it is from natural causes.
He also claims major effects from CO2, but this is actually against science, as even liberal scientists think there is not much of a change in temperatures (well not a huge increase Gore thinks) would occur, so even people that agree with him really disagree almost.
Kilimanjaro is, well, not melting.
Lake Chad not drying up....
He claims man made things increase hurricanes, more CO2 = more hurricanes, if this was true, as we are more CO2 dependent then why has there been no increase in hurricanes?

Polar bear populations increasing....
agh, and many more. Here is the source and the rest of his falsities: http://www.sott.net/articles/show/205327-35-Inconvenient-Truths-The-errors-in-Al-Gore-s-movie
3. Greenland ice expanding
" Though the ice may be melting around the edges of the Greenland Icecap in recent years during the warm mode of the AMO much as it did during the last warm phase in the 1930s to 1950s, snow and ice levels continue to rise in most of the interior. Johannessen in 2005 estimated an annual net increase of ice by 2 inches a year."
More: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2008/12/30/the-ice-in-greenland-is-growing/
4. Arctic ice expanding

The inconvenient truth.
Funny, NASA started to get higher readings after 2000 in many of their data sets, want to know what is ironic? The ones that showed the major increases, the one our friend Al cherry picked, finds in 2000 when the increases began there where air conditioners installed..... Yes! Guess what? They radiate heat, no wonder we saw increases in a few areas! They also found urban areas had increases, well no shocker. The readings occurred and many of their new testers where placed near metal buildings and large cement areas, well dont those radiate A LOT of heat? YES! This shows that much of the data schools, and liberals spew is, well, fake. Here is a prime example:
Source: http://scottthong.wordpress.com/tag/nasa-giss-global-warming-data-base/
As we can see the metal building will show a lot of heat, hence the large increases can be linked to urban reflections of the heat waves. The data, is well, laughable.
Another prime example:
The heat increases, well no duh! Look at the asphalt and air conditioners, obviously all the extra heat will make it hotter!
The only way to get accurate data is from stations in fields with little reflective surfaces, and if we still find large heating then I will convert, but the data all from urban areas, is well, baloney.
2. Errors in Gore's analysis, aside from above.
His claims to scare people, of sea level rises to 6 feet run!! But wait, naturally seas have risen 7ft without any major damage, oh darn gore messed up again! And what? The current rises are only 15% due to melting? So wait, so the sea levels are rising naturally? Yes, you betcha!
And is the pacific drowning as he claims? But how do they drown when non biased sources (not gore) only predict if his 6ft change was true was only 15% global change, and the only real estimates show 1ft. Yes, 1ft. Further his environmental refugee argument is false, there are no evacuations.
Ocean currents stopping because of us? No, the research concludes it is from natural causes.
He also claims major effects from CO2, but this is actually against science, as even liberal scientists think there is not much of a change in temperatures (well not a huge increase Gore thinks) would occur, so even people that agree with him really disagree almost.
Kilimanjaro is, well, not melting.
Lake Chad not drying up....
He claims man made things increase hurricanes, more CO2 = more hurricanes, if this was true, as we are more CO2 dependent then why has there been no increase in hurricanes?
Polar bear populations increasing....
agh, and many more. Here is the source and the rest of his falsities: http://www.sott.net/articles/show/205327-35-Inconvenient-Truths-The-errors-in-Al-Gore-s-movie
3. Greenland ice expanding
" Though the ice may be melting around the edges of the Greenland Icecap in recent years during the warm mode of the AMO much as it did during the last warm phase in the 1930s to 1950s, snow and ice levels continue to rise in most of the interior. Johannessen in 2005 estimated an annual net increase of ice by 2 inches a year."
More: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2008/12/30/the-ice-in-greenland-is-growing/
4. Arctic ice expanding
The inconvenient truth.
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