A common misconception on Hitler is he was a right wing fascist, but these claims do not follow the facts.
We need to first look at icons, as icons are very important to the debate. Everyone agrees Stalin and the USSR where huge government liberals, communists, or socialists right? Right. Although hitler stole the swastika from many civilizations, one of the influences may have been the RUSSIAN SWASTIKA. It was worn on the uniform of Russian troops. Also:

source: http://jonjayray.tripod.com/hitler.html
Labor unions, liberal democratic thinking. Help the worker right? yes, common liberal theme. Now who said this quote?
We need to first look at icons, as icons are very important to the debate. Everyone agrees Stalin and the USSR where huge government liberals, communists, or socialists right? Right. Although hitler stole the swastika from many civilizations, one of the influences may have been the RUSSIAN SWASTIKA. It was worn on the uniform of Russian troops. Also:
source: http://jonjayray.tripod.com/hitler.html
Labor unions, liberal democratic thinking. Help the worker right? yes, common liberal theme. Now who said this quote?
As things stand today, the trade unions in my opinion cannot be dispensed with. On the contrary, they are among the most important institutions of the nation's economic life. Their significance lies not only in the social and political field, but even more in the general field of national politics. A people whose broad masses, through a sound trade-union movement, obtain the satisfaction of their living requirements and at the same time an education, will be tremendously strengthened in its power of resistance in the struggle for existence.[1]
Democratic senator? Obama? A labor union official? No, Hitler. Hitler was pro unions, as a national socialist he expanded unions. Now, which part of the spectrum does that sound like?
Sources: http://thepeoplescube.com/peoples-blog/fascism-is-communism-lite-t3534.html#p66205
Guess what it says? Hate gays be conservative? No. It means we the workers have awoken, a pro union pro labor pro worker poster. For the nazis. Once again, sound socialist.
Also, ever heard the term greenie, or green? The green movement? Hitler was fond of it, if you where wondering. What Hitler did, according to PHD John Ray:
- "We recognize that separating humanity from
nature, from the whole of life, leads to humankind's own destruction and
to the death of nations. Only through a re-integration of humanity
into the whole of nature can our people be made stronger . . .
This striving toward connectedness with the totality of life, with nature itself, a nature into which we are born, this is the deepest meaning and the true essence of National Socialist thought." - Quote from non other then leading Nazi biologist, Ernst Lehmann
- Hitler banned experiments on animals
- 2/3 of people in the nature clubs, nowadays could be called greenies, or by me liberty sucking hoaxers, joined the nazi party
- Caught youth attention by making a movement that says we are connected to earth
- Killing whales forests are bad, taking away out relationship from nature (nazi teaching)
- So Nazis where pro green, how does this relate to modern day activists? Watch: "In the name of speaking for the trees and other species, we are faced with a movement that would usher in an era of eco-fascism."Guess who taught this to their people? Hitler. Guess who said it? Greenpeace international leader [former] Patrick Moore.
"Germany has an annual increase in population
of nearly nine hundred thousand souls. The difficulty of feeding this
army of new citizens must grow greater from year to year and ultimately
end in catastrophe, unless ways and means are found to forestall the
danger of starvation and misery in time... Without doubt the
productivity of the soil can be increased up to a certain limit. But
only up to a certain limit, and not continuously without end..... But
even with the greatest limitation on the one hand and the utmost
industry on other, here again a limit will one day be reached, created
by the soil itself. With the utmost toil it will not be possible to
obtain any more from it, and then, though postponed for a certain time,
catastrophe again manifests itself". (Mein Kampf pp. 121 & 122)" [1, 2]
Guns, Hitler like conservatives like guns? Hardly. Gun control was already popular in Germany, but the Nazis took a step further. Only politically reliable people could own guns, like what many socialists argue today. "only cops should have guns". Hitler aligns with the left yet again.
For more info: http://jonjayray.tripod.com/hitler.html
Hitler was a liberal.
[1] http://jonjayray.tripod.com/hitler.html
[2] Mein Kampf
"National Socialists believe control should be in the hands of “The People” much like regular old socialists do. Except, National Socialists only think “The People” constitute their specific Nationality, group, or in the case of the Nazi’s, Ethnicity."
ReplyDeleteQuote - Some random guy on the internet
So your saying only ethnicity rules (in this case ayrians). That is the case in most socialist regimes, and they are still considered liberal.
ReplyDelete"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler
"My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice."
ReplyDeleteHas it occurred to you that Hitler lied to gain support?
Yes, it has Bossy. However his economic policy and enviromental policy actually where implimented
ReplyDeleteIt --> I
Here is some examples, Bossy. Hitler Implemented a super union, he didn't abolish them as many claim. He banned guns in order to exploit his people, and supported abortion through his medical testing. (I am not linking abortion to Hitler, but he did truly support that issue). He supported wage controls like the liberal minimum wage. etc.