
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Liberal myth: Republicans hurt us from 1998 - 2008

I have heard claims saying republicans have ruined America from 1998 - 2008, and that we are now paying the price. Let's break down their points.

1. Clinton surplus ruined by republicans

This is the most common claim. We ruined the surplus. This is false, there was never a Clinton surplus. Not defending the Bush deficit increases -- they did exist -- Clinton never really had a surplus. You can have a surplus but have billions in debt (odd isn't it?) Clinton increased deficits by 281 billion, he didn't decrease it by 350 million.

Using Treasury department data we see in no year dud the debt decrease, and debts increased BEFORE the bush administration.

Highly researched articles hold the data:

2. Tax cuts failed!!

Did they really? No. The Clinton tax hikes slowed growth, growth didnt occur until a REBUBLICAM congress cut taxes. The bush tax cuts saved us from the 2000 recession, and the 2008 recession was caused by other factors.


3. They caused recession, conservatism failed

First, they didn't cause it. Clinton and Carter did.
Second, the policies implemented by Bush to stop the recession was similar to obamas, It's a case study showing liberalism fails.

For more on that,:


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