
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Boy Scouts and Homosexuality

This is an article originally posted on another blog (that I wrote) that I am now posting here.

The controversy over homosexual leaders and members has been recently re-ignited due to multiple press releases of boy scouts possibly changing their anti-homosexual policy. Gay activists claim the policy is discriminatory, and religious leaders and conservatives deem the policy harmful to children and against religious values. Both sides are hard headed. Gay activists have a strong advantage in the media, and conservatives have multiple think tanks and religious organizations spreading their material. Why/why not should the boy scouts uphold this policy?
            It is likely that homosexuals are more likely to molest male children than heterosexual men. This makes sense: homosexuals are attracted to members of the same sex, and a minority of them would be interested in children of the same sex. Some may argue heterosexuals, then, would harm little girls. But the facts presented here show homosexuals are more likely to hurt a young male than a heterosexual would be to hurt a young girl.
It is not so say all (or even most) homosexuals are pedophiles; the majority of them are normal people. However, polls of homosexuals show 23% of homosexuals admit to having sexual relations with children under 16 years old, and 7% admit to having relations with children under 7 years old. Up to 71% of sex scandals with children were homosexual, 43% of teacher molestation was homosexual, and 50% of foster parent rapes were homosexual. In Canada, 20-40% of rapes are homosexual in nature.1
Due to the fact homosexuals are only 1-3% of the population and comprise 20-40% of Canadian rapes/molestation cases, it is evident they are disproportionately more likely to be child predators. Indeed, studies of teachers find similar results. Every study finds gay teachers are the most likely to molest children, and heterosexual teachers are the least likely to molest children, including a study asking 1400 principles about teacher -sex allegations. The study reports 35% of the cases were perpetrated by homosexual teachers. In New York State, the number was 27%, and in North Carolina 29%. A final study in 10 western states found 32% of the perpetrators in teacher sex abuse scandals are homosexual.2 The facts show homosexuals are disproportionately involved in child molestation scandals. Hence, preventing homosexual scout leaders would prevent many of these tragic cases from occurring.

Even with these facts, organizations such as the APA and the Southern Poverty Law Center (the law center is essentially a pro-gay lobbying group) still claim homosexuality has no link to pedophilia. When looking at mere police reports (for all crimes) homosexuals have been 47% more likely to be incarcerated. In Britain, studies show using newspaper accounts of homosexuality, three quarters of child sexual abuse of children under thirteen involve a homosexual perpetrator. Furthermore, when expanding the cases to rape and murder, homosexuals were involved in 30% of the cases.3 The organizations opposing these findings (APA, and most “professional” organizations) have turned down all responses, criticisms, and evidence opposing the movement for gay rights. A recent study (2012) deemed the New Family Structures Study confirms these results, to an extent. When researching children who were forced to have sex, lesbian and gay male children were the top two ranks (most likely to be raped).4
            Other studies on homosexual children obtain similar results. Not only were children of homosexuals more likely to be homosexual themselves, fifty percent of those raised by homosexual men had sexual relations with their father.5 The number was less significant compared to those raised by lesbian mothers, 18% of children in those home are molested by their parents. However, both of these numbers are extreme when comparing to heterosexual parents: 0.6% of the heterosexual sample reported sexual abuse from a parent.6
A study published in the Regent Law Review has also obtained similar results to the data provided above. The 2002 study professes the massive amount of data opposing homosexuality, and supporting the conclusion of homosexual deviance. Interestingly, it cites many examples of homosexual organizations writing positive views for books promoting gay sex with children.  Furthermore, the demand for children in the gay community is likely increasing; the amount of child prostitutes identifying as homosexual has risen from 10% - 60% in recent decades. Now, the data written above (the figures on homosexual sex with children) includes data for women. When the dataset excludes girls and focuses on males, 86% of the cases were homosexual. This, in my opinion, is a horrifying number. The Law review documents many other studies; and the data is almost conclusive that homosexuals are more likely to molest children (especially males).7
A Family Research Council report writes the formula in a simple format:8
    1. Most pedophiles are men
    2. One third of child sex abuse involves a male victim
    3. Only 1-3% of the population is homosexual
    4. This small minority perpetuates about one third of the child sex abuse
    5. Many homosexual activists talk about how their orientation is naturally oriented to boy love
    6. Pedophilia is rampant in homosexual literature
    7. Therefore, homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles.
 Not allowing homosexual scoutmasters is, to say the least, acceptable if not for the best. But how about homosexual members? Interestingly, the Canadian Boy Scouts have become all tolerant of homosexuality. The result? Their membership fell by 130,000 members and they were forced to sell multiple Boy Scout camps.9 In addition, the boy scouts generally want their members to make good decisions as well as learn life skills in the future. If children feel homosexuality is acceptable, there will be more homosexuals in the years to come. Gay activists would take this and think this is preposterous, however scientific research shows environmental factors (not genes, hormones in the womb, etc.) cause homosexuality.10 Making a pro-gay environment will increase acceptance for the action and, therefore, increase the rates of homosexuality. Trayce Hansen, sociologist, writes “[e]xtensive research from Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and the United States reveals that homosexuality is primarily environmentally induced. Specifically, social and/or family factors, as well as permissive environments which affirm homosexuality, play major environmental roles in the development of homosexual behavior.”11 Studies of the animal kingdom replicate Hansen’s results. N.E. Whitehead, a biochemist, argues Rams (wild or domestic) have been found to be homosexual. But he also researches the cause: his research finds 1) Ram homosexuality is rate; 2) It is mostly caused by environmental factors; and 3) their orientation changes often (which would be contrary to “born that way” theory).12 Creating a pro-gay environment would obviously increase rates of homosexuality.
But is homosexuality bad? Men who have never divorced live to a median age of 75, and 80% of them live past old age (old age is 65). The average lifespan for unmarried or divorced men is 57 years old as a median age, and 35% live past old age. 85% of married, never divorced women, lived past old age and the median age is 79. The median age for unmarried or divorced women was 71 years old, and 60% of them died old. For homosexuals, only 2% died old, with a median age of 42 (AIDS not listed as a cause of death). 20% of lesbians lived to old age, and the median age was 44. If AIDS is listed as a cause of death, the median age for homosexuals is only 39.13
Maybe this relationship is cultural. Marriage would stabilize them, being nice would help them… right? Wrong. A study done on Scandinavian married couples obtained similar results despite legalized homosexual marriage.14 Other research, as reported in the Journal of Human Sexuality, researched the effects of civil unions on gay life. Little research shows these laws stabilize homosexual life in any way.15 Homosexuality usually shortened life by two decades on average.
Now, let’s not get into the specifics to what homosexuals do, but a few consequences of their actions. Homosexual intercourse leads to one’s body trapping in bacteria and fluids that should not be there causing infection and death. Furthermore, since the area is an exit and not an entry the muscles get torn leading to inability to hold in fecal matter. Due to the fact the lining in there is so thin; any fluids have easier access to the blood stream (unlike heterosexual intercourse where the access is less certain). The thin lining, and access to the blood stream, makes homosexuals much more likely to contract diseases such as HIV and AIDS. I don’t think culture is causing the thin lining; it is inherent to homosexual actions.16
      Now, homosexual problems are increasing as society becomes more receptive of them (no pun intended). As education programs increase, the amount of homosexuals getting STD checks, using condoms, and other safety procedures is falling. Even as we become more accepting of the minority, they still willingly choose to have sex, even when tested positive for HIV or AIDS. Society doesn’t seem to fix these problems. Homosexual promiscuity is not low, either. A study by Bell and Weinberg finds 28% of homosexuals have over 1000 partners in their lifetime, and 43% report the number is 500 or above. Paul Aan de Ven et al. reports about 21% of homosexuals have 100-500 sex partners in their lifetime. The majority of homosexual relationships last shorter than two years, and even homosexual magazines report high levels of promiscuity. Even “committed” homosexual couples rarely have long lasting relationships. Stable relationships do not necessarily mean better for homosexuals, though. Long-lasting same-sex couples are more likely to get parasitic and bacterial infections compared to other relationships due to different sexual practices. For many homosexuals, the STD HPV is almost universal.17 A rare STD solely found in Canada only exists in one demographic in the USA: gays in Massachusetts. First identified one year after the legalization of gay marriage. Society isn’t causing gays to act this way. Gay promiscuity has brought these facts upon themselves.18
In addition to medical coexistent with homosexuality, are many mental health issues. Gays are much more likely to commit suicide. Coincidently, both sides agree here: we differ, though, on why. Gay activists say homophobia bullying, and conservatives argue that it’s inherent to homosexual nature. A 1991 study looked into this issue. Of all the factors, none involved bullying, discrimination, or homophobia. Past sexual abuse, drug use, illegal activities, prostitution, gender conflicts, and broken homes were all factors. Gender conflicts are the only factor that would include discrimination, but due to the fact nearly all of the respondents said illegal drugs was an influence; it is likely these suicides would have still occurred. Further study into the issue shows changing societal attitudes towards homosexuality are not helpful towards them.19, 20 Discrimination seems to have no effect on homosexual mental disorders: N.E. Whitehead notes “Very little evidence has been found for this. Whether in tolerant and accepting environments or in intolerant ones, the incidence and type of psychological problems remain about the same.21
      It seems as though promiscuity also brings forth many of the problems in homosexuality. Societal factors have not influenced homosexual promiscuity, research in the Netherlands (where tolerance of homosexuals is quite high) indicates homosexuals have up to 8 sexual partners per year.22 The vast majority of studies accounting for “homophobia” have found the more partners a homosexual has, the more likely he/she is to commit suicide. Other factors, unrelated to homophobia, have also been identified as the drivers of suicide.23
These points all show homosexuality is not something the BSA should not support. Natural Law theory (a moral view invented by Thomas Aquinas) proves homosexuality is immoral. Tim Hsiao, Ph.D. student, writes “I argue that homosexual acts are immoral because they misuse one's sexual powers. Such acts pervert a natural faculty, the proper functioning of which serves as a standard of moral goodness.”24
Overall, there is no good reason to allow homosexual leaders or members into the Boy Scouts. Of America (BSA). Promoting dangerous, unhealthy, and immoral practices should not be an implemented policy. Some evidence indicates homosexuality may be as harmful to oneself as smoking or drug use.25 Nor should the BSA allow gay scoutmasters into the because it increases the rise of molestation or rape of children. Gay advocates miss one thing: they have the burden of proof. Due to the fact they are attempting to change the status quo, those supporting the policy of the BSA have no obligation to present evidence. Due to the fact the policy was passed years ago and upheld the Supreme Court, the burden of proof to pass a policy is behind us. Homosexuals must provide proof to get rid of it. They will not be able to levy one good reason, and, therefore, fail to uphold their burden and lose the debate. They will pull the diversity card. But wouldn’t having all pro-gay organizations end diversity? Having organizations on one end if the idea road and another organization on the other side of the idea road is as diverse as it gets. But we need tolerance. Right? Well, if this is true, why aren’t we tolerating the historical Boy Scout policy, and those who support it? Homosexuals do not tolerate us, so by what obligation should we tolerate them? Even if allowing gays is nicer to them, at what cost? A dead organization like Canada or one ridden with pedophiles like the research suggests? And if gays aren’t born that way, why should they be considered an ethnic class like race? If there is a net-benefit to blocking out homosexuals then letting them in, the equality argument does not cut it.
1. Cameron, Paul . "How Much Child Molestation is Homosexual?" Family Research Institute. 2012. .

2. Cameron, Paul. "Do Homosexual Teachers Pose A Risk In?" Family Research Institute. 2012. .

3. Cameron, Paul. "Do Those Who Engage In Homosexual Sex More Frequently Rape and Murder The Underage? A Test Of Traditional Morality” The Empirical Journal of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior Vol. 1 (2007): 20-42. (Can also be accessed online)

4. Regnerus, Mark, and Witherspoon Institute. " - NFSS - Outcomes for Children." The Witherspoon Institute, 2012.
The study above met fierce criticism. This link will show you the authors response, and other academics response’s, to the debate. Most of the criticism is ideological and it is, by far, the strongest study on the issue.

5. Cameron, Paul, and Kirk Cameron. "Homosexual Parents." Adolescence (1996): 757-776.

6. Cameron, Paul. "Homosexual Parents: Testing 'Common Sense--A Literature Review Emphasizing The Golombok And Tasker Longitudinal Study Of Lesbians' Children." Psychological Reports 85.5 (1999): 282-322.

7. Baldwin, Steve. "Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement." Regent Law Review (2002).

8. "Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse." Family Research Council, n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2013. .

9. "News Release: AFA of PA Calls for Removal of BSA Board Members."  AFA of Pennsylvania., 31 Feb. 2013.

10.  Even the APA has downplayed its opinion on the issue. Going from saying it is definitely a gay gene (or some other biological cause) to saying there is no evidence one way or the other. However, reviewing 10,000 studies N.E. Whitehead shows the evidence strongly suggests environment causes homosexuality. His book can be seen online here:

11. Hansen, Trayce. "Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Will Increase Prevalence of Homosexuality: Research Provides Significant Evidence." Dr. Trayce Hansen's Writings, 29 Sept. 2008. .

12. Whitehead, N.E. "Is ram behavior evidence of “natural” homosexuality?"

13. Cameron, Paul. "Family Research Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do." FRI, 2009. Web. 03 Feb. 2013.

14. Andersson, Gunnar, Turid Noack, Ane Seierstad, and Harald Weedon-Fekjaer. "The Demographics of Same-Sex Marriages in Norway and Sweden." Demography 43.1 (2006): 79-98.

15. Byrd, A. Dean. "Homosexual Couples and Parenting: What Science Can and Cannot Say." Journal of Human Sexuality 3.1 (2011).

16. Cameron, Paul. "Family Research Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do." FRI, 2009. Web. 03 Feb. 2013.

17. "The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality." Family Research Council. .

18. "Rare STD Spreads Among Gays In Canada, Massachusetts”.

19. O'Leary, Dale. "Gay Teens and Attempted Suicide." NARTH. .

20. Whitehead, N.E. “Homosexuality and Co-Morbidities: Research and Therepeudic Implications.” Journal of Human Sexuality Vol. 2 (2010): 124-75.

21. Whitehead, N.E. "Myths about Homosexuality | Misconceptions about Gays | Brief Facts about Homosexuality."

22. "Comparing the Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples to Married Couples." Family Research Council, n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2013.

23. "Suicide Attempts and Suicidal Ideation among Homosexuals and Bisexuals." Homosexinfo. N.p., 7 Dec. 2007. Web. 09 Feb. 2013.
24. Tim’s paper was presented to the Covenant College Undergraduate Philosophy Conference.

25. Cameron, Paul, Thomas Landess, and Kirk Cameron. "Homosexual Sex As Harmful As Drug Abuse, Prostitution, Or Smoking." Psychological Reports (2005): 915-961.

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