
Sunday, March 1, 2015

I like Jeb Bush...

I may be crazy, but I like Jeb. 

You wouldn't know it if you didn't read this (or some non-biased source), but Jeb actually had a conservative record as governor. But more importantly, he was a governor of a key state: Florida. The Republicans *must* win Florida if they are to win the election. Jeb is probably our best bet to guarantee a win in Florida--except maybe Marco Rubio. 

Bush's wife is a Mexican-American and he spent a lot of his time with the Hispanic community. Even though he goes against many conservatives in regards to amnesty... I agree with him. We do not have a plan to deport 11 million immigrants. So why not give them citizenship and close the borders? What is also interesting is that conservatives dislike unions--I do too--but I must point out the first anti-immigrant positions came from... The labor unions! 

Jeb Bush is a conservative. He is not a tea party member, sure, but to say he is a moderate really isn't true. He lowered taxes as governor, is pro-life, is against same-sex marriage, and ended affirmative action. He was a strong advocate for gun rights, and passed stand your ground laws. Another conservative who I like, Ben Carson, actually supports many gun controls I disagree with and the tea party would oppose until they die. 

Basically, Jeb Bush IS a fiscal conservative and is in line with most tea party members. He IS a social conservative, even though he goes astray (as do I) on immigration issues. He also supports common core--something I oppose, too. But keep in mind other conservatives like Carson oppose gun rights. Merely because Jeb runs astray on a few issues does not make him liberal--it makes him a realist. He stands by his beliefs, as he states, he is is own man. I actually find that admirable and it is not a negative. Bush is a conservative, and although he is not my first choice, he would make a great president. 

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